DIY Fall Camping Gear: Crafting Comfort and Convenience for Your Outdoor Adventure

DIY Fall Camping Gear: Crafting Comfort and Convenience for Your Outdoor Adventure

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The season of vibrant leaves, crisp air, and cozy campfires is upon us, making fall one of the most picturesque times for camping and hiking. While outdoor gear is readily available, there's a unique joy in crafting your own camping essentials. In this blog post, we'll explore the world of DIY fall camping gear, from homemade lanterns that cast a warm glow to cozy blankets and natural insect repellents, allowing you to embrace the great outdoors with your handmade creations.

1. Homemade Campfire Lanterns: Light Up the Night

As the sun sets earlier during the fall months, having a reliable source of light is crucial for your camping experience. Create your own homemade lanterns to illuminate your campsite. Here's how:


  • Mason jars or empty tin cans
  • Tea light candles or battery-operated LED candles
  • Craft wire or twine
  • Decorative elements like leaves, paint, or ribbon (optional)


  1. Decorate the mason jars or tin cans as you like, painting them with fall-themed designs or tying twine around them for a rustic look.
  2. Place a tea light candle or battery-operated LED candle inside the jar or can.
  3. Create a handle by bending craft wire or using twine, securing it to the top of the container.
  4. Light the candle, and your homemade lantern will cast a warm, inviting glow throughout your campsite.

2. Cozy Blankets: Ward Off the Chill

Fall evenings can get quite chilly, making a warm and cozy blanket a camping essential. Crafting your own outdoor blanket is not only practical but allows you to personalize your gear.


  • Thick, warm fabric like fleece or wool
  • Sewing machine or needle and thread
  • Scissors


  1. Cut two pieces of fabric to your desired size. A common size is around 4 feet by 5 feet for a comfortable camping blanket.
  2. Place the two pieces of fabric with the right sides facing each other.
  3. Sew around the edges, leaving a small opening.
  4. Turn the blanket right side out through the opening.
  5. Hand-stitch the opening closed.
  6. You can add buttons, snaps, or ties for a secure closure if desired.

3. Natural Insect Repellent: Keep Bugs at Bay

Fall camping often brings fewer bugs than the summer months, but you may still encounter mosquitoes and other insects. Craft your own natural insect repellent to enjoy bug-free camping.


  • Witch hazel or rubbing alcohol
  • Essential oils like citronella, lavender, eucalyptus, and lemon
  • Small spray bottle


  1. Fill the spray bottle halfway with witch hazel or rubbing alcohol.
  2. Add 10-15 drops of each essential oil you choose.
  3. Shake the bottle to combine the ingredients.
  4. Spray the mixture on your skin and clothing to repel insects.

Crafting your DIY fall camping gear adds a personal touch to your outdoor adventures and can enhance your camping experience. With homemade lanterns, cozy blankets, and natural insect repellents, you're not only staying comfortable and safe but also embracing the spirit of self-sufficiency and creativity in the great outdoors. Happy camping!